Here's my trip.
Showed up Wednesday.
Set up light plants, begin talking shit about newbs.
Mark course and drink beers, break truck.
Kirk arrives at ranch in Hyndai car and smells of popcorn and sweat.
More beers, fix truck.
Thursday morning.
Arrive back at ranch. Start putting up banners, continue talking shit, and drinking beers.
Haul ass to Midland to pick up Tizz in the ARMY OF DARKNESS JUAN DON DON DON.
Drive at 115 mph to get back to beers, and join back in to shit talking circle.
Wait on Jeff to roll in with the SVC truck so we can punch Jeff in the stomach. Pass out around 3:00 am on hotel floor. Because Tizz and Kirk are in beds. Word.
Wake up at 7:00 because Kirk has to make drivers meeting..... In the Hyndai. Talk shit all through drivers meeting.
Find beers and watch bro trucks huck and break shit till noon.
Go back to room around 1:00 to try to nap. But no nap. No, Charlie has to continue shit talking while I'm trying to sleep. Mostly about how big of a ***** I am for wanting a nap and some shit about his hard gangster days in sailing club.
Head back to ranch.
Take Beers from Jeff. Drink them and throw up behind Trey's trailer. Make fun of Trey.
Walk around throwing gang signs until we find Toby passed out.
We molested Toby and tried to shave his legs.
Head back to room around 2:00. Kirk got in at 4:00.
Wake Kirk up at 7:00 for "drivers meeting" Kirk is a cranky baby in the morning.
Charlie and I buy party supplies at Walmart.
Haul ass to ranch.
Ranch is hot and dusty!
Put the ARMY OF DARKNESS JUAN DON DON DON DON DON on the short course and show Robbie Woods how real desert trucks do it.
Repair truck with parts sourced from dumpster and from SDHQ.
Install new SVC bumper.
Attend the big dinner, talk shit the entire time.
Realize this party is all about to be over. Take Charlie to room, haul ass to Midland.
Start the count down to next year.
Continue talking shit about the newbs.