So I just picked up my 22 37 package and I have a bit of “pedal feel.” I honestly can’t really hear anything, the only time I can really feel the “clicking” is when I’m going slow, in quiet mode, radio off, and really looking for it. Not sure if this is abnormal, I know coils/bypass coils seem to be noisy (4runner was the same way after I installed Bilstien coils, buddys Jeep same thing after Kings)
I do want to say I do hear the same clunk when bouncing on the rear tailgate, but everything I’ve read from years prior is the bypasses can make a “popping” sound when the oil gets pushed in and out, granted this the first truck I’ve had, let alone one with live valves and RR. I do notice it is more pronounced when it’s 35° vs 70°… makes me think it is a fluid pushing through the valves. I used to work on hydraulic/air valves and solenoids in a past life and none of that shit is quiet.
Which gets me thinking. My brother has a Ranger Tremor with the Foxes and RR. Maybe I’ll take that for a spin and see if that does a similar noise.