There is not a whole lot more I can add to the question about is it an RPG build or a RaceCo build other than a little more clarification. Right now the whole build is a team effort that spans many shops even beyond just RPG and RaceCo. From powder coaters to laser cutters, machine shop etc. One thing is certain, both RaceCo and RPG employees are spending countless hours getting their hands dirty to produce the best results possible. Corey's computer is firing on all cylinders designing something that will revolutionize the Raptor. There is no middle man in this project, as I said before it's all hands on deck to make this happen.
We are very fortunate to have a very strong relationship with RaceCo and it has worked out to everyones advantage. RaceCo has been able to hiring more employees because of their ties to RPG, thus allowing us to keep costs down to make sure the saving get passed on to you all. Doing business in CA is expensive, and so are the addition of employees, I.E. healthcare, workers comp and all the above.
Trust me when I tell you all the end result will be amazing. Jamie and Corey are coming up with some insanely good ideas to take the Raptor to the next level.
Lets get this back on track. I'm getting more pics a few hours and will start to explain why we are doing things a certain way.