i want to apologize before I write and need to declare that I am not, in anyway, shape or form, politically correct. That said, Idaho Savage is either stupid, or having a Biden moment and running his mouth, not realizing the misinformation (I hate that word), is a total lie. He vilified me without provocation, for moving from California to Idaho. During which time, he threw out lies about poor idahoans collecting welfare and inferred it was because of people like me. If you read the above posts, which contained factual data, you will realize Idaho Savage is FOS. Idaho Savage, hence forth referred to as potato head, is attempting to pass his failures in life on people, like me, that fled from California for a better life. It is not my fault that I brought California money with me, everyone would. Yes, the roads are more crowded and unfortunately, some people, not me, brought their voting habit, but again, not me! Potato head, move to Arkansas, Mississippi and parts of Georgia and you will know exactly what I mean!