I did not know you could get a rate locked in with just a vin#. I'll call my dealer tomorrow and see if a vin# has been assigned to my order yet. I ordered on 7/27/11; how long does it usually take to get a vin?Blue Flame aka Big Blue. You should definately work your local dealers. I sent blanket emails to every dealership in a 40 mile radius. I did not order with Nav. In this economy, someone will bite!
Ford has accepted my order and they gave me a copy of the oder info.
I went with a Blue SCAB, Moonroof, Luxury pkg and tailgate step. I was able to get a GREAT deal, based on the timing of if they didnt use the allocation, they would have lost it, so they had nothing to loose. They will still get the 3% Ford holdback. My deal: Dealer invoice + $0!
I feel great about the price and cant wait to get my new beast!!!
Your also right, rates are very low now and should not go up anytime soon. As soon as you get a VIN#, you can lock in a rate.
With the nation's credit rating just downgraded by S&P late Friday, I'm very concerned that all consumer rates will spike sharply pretty soon. Hopefully I'm wrong.