Full Access Member
Udate: FPP cover arrived a couple of days ago, but just now had time to unpack it. Side-by-side with the AFE cover pics:
The FPP cover is definitely heavier, made from steel (magnets stick). Externally, I like the looks better, and it keeps the curved interior profile which Gale B seems to assert improves lube flow up to the pinion/ring interface and pinion bearing surface. It may also decrease aeration of the lube, improving performance, but this is at best an untested hypothesis. The FPP obviously lacks the internal and external ribbing/cooling fins, but it's an open question how much they might really add to rear diff cooling. Gale's videos on that part of his testing are still in production. The question of the added lube capacity of the AFE cover is also worth considering. But if you assume a 25-30% increase in capacity, therefore a 25-30% increase in intervals to change the diff lube, you'll save what...one change maybe over the lifetime of the truck? While the added volume may also provide added protection against overheating the fluid under high-stress use, remember it will also take longer for that volume to cool back down once conditions moderate...
The FPP cover drain plug does have a small magnet in it, whereas the AFE has both a magnetic drain and (extended) fill plug PLUS the oil level view window. I guess that would save a few minutes over removing the FPP plug to check the fill level, but c'mon, how often are we doing that? Every 10-15K miles?
So, which would you install on your rig?

The FPP cover is definitely heavier, made from steel (magnets stick). Externally, I like the looks better, and it keeps the curved interior profile which Gale B seems to assert improves lube flow up to the pinion/ring interface and pinion bearing surface. It may also decrease aeration of the lube, improving performance, but this is at best an untested hypothesis. The FPP obviously lacks the internal and external ribbing/cooling fins, but it's an open question how much they might really add to rear diff cooling. Gale's videos on that part of his testing are still in production. The question of the added lube capacity of the AFE cover is also worth considering. But if you assume a 25-30% increase in capacity, therefore a 25-30% increase in intervals to change the diff lube, you'll save what...one change maybe over the lifetime of the truck? While the added volume may also provide added protection against overheating the fluid under high-stress use, remember it will also take longer for that volume to cool back down once conditions moderate...
The FPP cover drain plug does have a small magnet in it, whereas the AFE has both a magnetic drain and (extended) fill plug PLUS the oil level view window. I guess that would save a few minutes over removing the FPP plug to check the fill level, but c'mon, how often are we doing that? Every 10-15K miles?
So, which would you install on your rig?