Greetings all, new member long time lurking gen 2 owner here. First off I'd like to say that I normally don't engage in many forums however since my gen 2 delivery in March approximately 8k mi ago I have been using and benefiting from this community's knowledge and it's vendors and would like to take this opportunity to possibly return the favor in some small way. That being said, when my truck was brand new all was well however after about 1000 mi or so it didn't seem to be quite the same as when I took delivery. Drivability issues started popping up. Most of these issues have been covered incessantly on this forum and most of those threads always end up with the forum trolls beating back and forth on each other with no resolution of the problems that started them. Here is like to share my issues with my raptors surging/ stumbling, loss of power, rough idle with ac on, etc etc. And how it has finally been FIXED. Yup I had all of these issues and no matter what I did I couldn't find the cause of the problem as has been the case with others here I assume. I've been to 3 different ford dealerships and nobody could find anything wrong. I was actually thinking of trading this thing in I was so frustrated. I myself have a relatively extensive background in ford diesel ecu tuning and have many avenues for reading trouble codes and accessing vehicle computer systems. All of which including genuine ford ids found no codes or any problem whatsoever. After a substantial amount of time experiencing all of these issues and seeing clearly that they were intermittent and could not be tied to any single factor (environmental conditions or otherwise) I came to the inevitable conclusion that this must be a programming issue. So I decided since no dealership in my area was any help at all that I would take matters into my own hands and do something I had told myself I wasn't gonna do. Tune this bitch.....
Well it turns out that I just may have been on to something. Once I decided to tune the truck of course I came here to research the best available options and settled on tuning from Mike at mpt. They sent me a ngauge tuner with instructions to copy my stock file on to the device and send it to them for the tuning. Here's where things become relevant. Now that I had yet another device capable of reading codes you know what I did next right? And yup you guessed it, 3 stored codes. 2 of which were irrelevant but one of which most certainly wasn't. P1674 control module software corrupted...hmmm . Go figure. I called a ford master tech with this and he told me that when they see this it usually requires a new pcm. Not ready to head back to my lame ass ford dealership with this new info I cleared the code and proceeded to extract my stock files from the pcm to send them to mpt. Well guess what again? Simply extracting the files completely fixed every problem I was having. I mean all of them . And I had them all. Turns out at least I believe what has happened in this case and maybe in yours too if you have had similar experiences is there is an issue with Ford's adaptive strategy programming. This is modification made to your programming by the vehicle to attempt to configure itself to your driving style. When you pull the stock tune out of your truck it erases all of this and starts over. My truck is better than new now and I'm exhausted from typing all this shit so if you have had similar issues this may be worth you looking into further. Not saying that tuning is the best option for fixing a problem but at minimum a factory reflash should do the trick. But the tunes are definitely worth it. YMMV. thanks for reading.
Well it turns out that I just may have been on to something. Once I decided to tune the truck of course I came here to research the best available options and settled on tuning from Mike at mpt. They sent me a ngauge tuner with instructions to copy my stock file on to the device and send it to them for the tuning. Here's where things become relevant. Now that I had yet another device capable of reading codes you know what I did next right? And yup you guessed it, 3 stored codes. 2 of which were irrelevant but one of which most certainly wasn't. P1674 control module software corrupted...hmmm . Go figure. I called a ford master tech with this and he told me that when they see this it usually requires a new pcm. Not ready to head back to my lame ass ford dealership with this new info I cleared the code and proceeded to extract my stock files from the pcm to send them to mpt. Well guess what again? Simply extracting the files completely fixed every problem I was having. I mean all of them . And I had them all. Turns out at least I believe what has happened in this case and maybe in yours too if you have had similar experiences is there is an issue with Ford's adaptive strategy programming. This is modification made to your programming by the vehicle to attempt to configure itself to your driving style. When you pull the stock tune out of your truck it erases all of this and starts over. My truck is better than new now and I'm exhausted from typing all this shit so if you have had similar issues this may be worth you looking into further. Not saying that tuning is the best option for fixing a problem but at minimum a factory reflash should do the trick. But the tunes are definitely worth it. YMMV. thanks for reading.