So here is what we got:
1. Toe End Pins replaced. (Did NOT solve front end problem...there is still something loose or has play in the front)
2. Thermostat Replaced. (Problem Solved)
3. E Brake Pivots replaced. Apparently were binding? This is what tech says was making my crunching sound when turning left. (Problem Apparently solved?)
4. Can't find a rhyme or reason why my power steering cap came off.
What an odd mix of things all at once...
Though I've noticed in the last couple days that my blend door under my glovebox is getting louder and louder. Not exactly a fan sound as much as a incessant plastic ticking. I mentioned it to the tech during our drive, but he didn't address it, so probably something that will have to be taken care of at 35,000 miles. Woof