$65k to start. $70k+ with options. Similar to GT350/350R
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They aren't going to hike the price over $15k for a base model from the last gen. Several grand bump yes, 15 grand bump no. I'm sure they will easily get into the mid 60's fully optioned out, but doubt it'll get above $65k fully optioned. As mentioned a '14 Gen 1 fully loaded was $59k. Base price will probably jump $2-3k, glass roof will probably add $1k over just a moon roof, options will probably get a few bucks tacked onto each one, but overall I highly doubt it will be more than $5-6k above the outgoing models when similarly equipped.
As for your reference to the GT350 and GT350R, those aren't even $65k or $70k with options, The GT350 base price is $49k and the R is $63k. A Maxed out GT350R is under $67k.
Should be interesting to see how it plays out with gen 1 prices. I'm contemplating the exit timing strategy myself. Would hate to see values go down $10K practically overnight.
I hear a lot of guys say they don't care how much they drop but 10k is 10k...
I'm with you. I think right now up until gen 2's become available is a prime time to sell since folks who want one NOW can't get their hands on any but a used one, and folks who only want a V8, a gen 1 is their only option. So 2 things going towards Gen 1 value & market size. Once the Gen 2 starts hitting lots I think Gen 1 value will dip for a little bit since the folks who want one NOW regardless of powertrain will be able to grab them off dealer lots and many folks will have a hard time paying high dollar for a used raptor with umpteen thousand miles vs. brand new with 0 miles for only a small chunk more. Basically, we lose one of our bargaining chips once a gen 2 hits the lots, because they are no longer the ONLY way buyers can get into a Raptor *right now*, since they would then have 2 choices to get into a raptor, new or used.
Once that initial wave of "GOTTA HAVE IT NOW" folks get their hands on theirs, and gen 2's are on the lots for a while, I think the Gen 1 value will swing up for a little bit again. After about a year or so though, I think it'll start to taper off. Basically I think they will retain their value fairly well just by having a V8 and appealing to V8 purists, but I think the market size will shrink as time goes on as folks either just get a shiny new gen 2 instead of a used gen 1, or as folks get more confident in seeing the results of the TT gen 2 and begin to waiver from their V8 stigma. Of course there will always be some who will never sway for a 6 over an 8, the market size will still shrink.
Since I can't be without a truck, I can't take the 1st exit ramp of sell now while I have 2 bargain chips in my pocket (V8 and used being the only option to get a Raptor *right now*). I don't want to deal with getting one of the very FIRST gen 2's and deal with dealer markup BS, or deal with potential bugs in the very first of the new EB's and 10 speeds. So I'll likely be taking that 2nd exit ramp, once the gen 2's are out there, bugs are ironed out, dealers aren't so naggy about markup, and try to find someone who's a v8 purist to snag mine up.
Maybe crash isn't the right word to use, but I've been looking at a lot of online listings the past few months and most dealers are listing at sticker price or more for used Raptors. I know you can say that they're not currently being made and the new ones won't have a V8 anymore, but they "should" come down eventually. My 08 GT500 is only worth about half of the sticker price and it only has 31,000 miles on it. Those cars had lower production numbers than the Raptors, but with improvements with the technology and hp/tq numbers it is now outdated
Yeah I don't think you'll see Gen 1's at MSRP anymore once there's Gen 2's on the lot. Well maybe initially there will be Gen 1's at MSRP next to Gen 2's at $10k markup lol, but for the most part, I think you'll see Gen 1 prices drop from MSRP despite being used, but I don't think it'll be anywhere near half. They'll still hold value extremely well just from the powertrain difference. If Ford continued the 6.2 in the Gen 2's the Gen 1 value would tank pretty good. The fact of them putting a 3.5 EB in is the best news any of us Gen 1 guys could have gotten for resale since that alone is keeping the values up more than any other reason.
As for the GT500, while older ones have dropped a lot in value, Ford didn't really stir the pot on powertrains in those. They kept the same basic platform and just made improvements that folks didn't get their ******* in a bunch over. V8 every single year, HP/TQ increase each evolution of it, still a blower car for every evolution. Iron 5.4 to Aluminum 5.4 to Aluminum 5.8, all the same basic architecture, just bigger displacement, lighter engine, more power. While the new Raptor is the same basic suspension architecture (just bigger/better), they're really stepping on a limb going way smaller on displacement, dropping 2 cylinders, and swapping to forced induction. With the GT500's only getting better and better and better the older ones the value just drops drops drops with each evolution. With the Raptor causing so much controversy over can smaller possibly be better? That will help the Gen 1's retain more value than if Ford had simply just made the gen 2 lighter and more powerful with the same N/A V8 powertrain.
It's a win win for me! lol Always wanted an ecoboost Raptor, and my gen 1 will be worth more at trade in now!