Not that noticeable Reptar?
It's not night and day. There is a slight improvement, it's worth the $2.99 for the bag of polyfill even if you trash the rest. Takes all of 5 minutes to install.
I put a CD in and played one of my favorite songs that had some decent bass, left the bass and volume settings where they were, then did the polyfill, and replayed the same song, so it was as back to back comparison as I could get. Minor improvement, but an improvement nonetheless.
LOL some times when I get home the dog has that poly shit all over the house! I had just been trashing it but now it has a second life.
Thanks "Scout" good boy
haha yeah I didn't even think of that till I opened the bag and I'm thinking to myself, this is the same crap that the dog has all over the house ripping apart his toys and his bed, i should have just used that lol.
maybe I'll scatter the rest of the bag in the dogs room and see what he does when there's no toy to rip apart, and just the mess to start with LOL!