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  • 2023 raptor eco boost
    My engine used to boost to 18-20 psi . Now it only hits 10-12 .
    It had done the same thing a month ago then an over the air update came and it was back to normal . Now 4 weeks later it’s not boosting as it once was . You can feel power decreased I only run 93 octain even tried 94 that sunuco offers with the same results . It feels like only one turbo works . Any insight would be appreciated
    Boost is determined based on calculated torque values, so it will vary with operating conditions, ambient temperature, etc.

    If the temperature is hot and charge air temperatures exceed a predetermined threshold power will be reduced until the temperature drops. That may be what you’re experiencing.
    2017 bought with Roush tune. Having issues left and right (including phasers), wanting to remove tune. PCM/TCM is locked, so dealer cannot flash to factory. I do not have the original tuner. Roush says they can walk dealer through process to unlock, but they said no. Tune shop said dealer is the only one with factory settings. Can I do this myself? What would I need and how difficult would it be?
    You’re basically stuck without the original tuning device that is married to the truck. The dealer can attempt a key-off session to try and reflash it back to stock, but I’m sure they’re concerned (rightfully so) that if it fails it may brick the PCM, and they don’t want that responsibility.
    If you can convince them to do it (or any other dealer) have them reference General Service Bulletin (GSB) 21-7122 on PTS for programming instructions.
    That’s what I was afraid of. There is another dealership near me that is an authorized Roush dealer. I’m hoping they will be more apt to help me. Didn’t want to spend $2,000 for new modules if I could find a work around. Thank you for the response.
    Hello FordTech One couldn't post more than 420 characters on here so I left out the intro lol but here it is
    2014 Raptor it cranks but won't start. I swapped out some relays and it start back up but a day later same thing happened swapped same relays and it started again then I took it to the shop to see if they could look at it and find the issue but of course it started up every time they tried so they could find anything wrong with it so I picked it up drove it home parked it and not even an hour later it wouldnt start
    Fuse 27 is fuel pump so will crank fine but no start no codes. I cleaned the fuse block contact points with a toothpick, installed new 20A mini-fuse truck is fine now. Old fuse was heat damaged but not blown. Charred plastic from fuse body had plated out on to contact blades breaking circuit.
    Thanks for the info! I just found out it is fuse 27 so I got the relocation kit and installed is Raptor is up and running thanks for all the info!
    Hey - hoping to pick your brain. Hit a "check 4x4" snag, stuck in 4H, managed to switch to 2H after a battery reset and cleaning the transfer case motor. Ford dealer found codes P1853, P1867; confirmed good continuity, voltage, grounds from TCCM to transfer case motor, and all fuses okay. Tried an OEM motor replacement on a mechanic's advice, but no fix. Now advised to replace the transfer case.
    Tonito de leon
    I’m thinking if it’s solenoid but I really don’t know

    • P1853:00 — Transfer Case Contact Plate 'B' Short Circuit to Ground: No Sub Type Information
    Fault sets when TCCM C2371A pin 2 detects a short to ground. Shift motor moves are prevented when this DTC is set. The TCCM will not complete mode change if a change in shift motor position is required.
    Ok here’s the definition, it’s an electrical DTC, meaning it’s likely a wiring/pin issue between the TCCM and the Shift motor. Transfer case replacement will not resolve a shift motor position electrical DTC. It sounds like they need to double check the harness, I would suggest running a pin-to-pin overlay of circuit CCF15 then re-evaluate.
    Sir, I need your help. I inadvertently ran down a nearly new Odyssey battery to between 4 and 5 volts. The battery has recovered nicely, but as soon as I start the truck there is clicking sound from the passenger foot well - the blend door, I believe. It did this only briefly and intermittently before, but now it clicks continuously. Is there a way to reset the system? Disconnect the battery, maybe?
    I meant to PM you rather than post here. I apologize. If you would kindly PM me there is more to tell about this, but the word count limits here are restrictive. Thanks!
    Hey brotha! Eibachs for a gen 3 37pp 2022 go or no?
    I’m not a fan of modifications, so I’ll always say no to that question.
    Thanks man! Any specific reason or just personal?
    Working in the industry I’ve just seen far too many issues caused by aftermarket parts and modifications.
    Hello FordTechOne - 2020 Raptor and I asked dealer to do an alignment. Everything is in the green, they back it off the lift and begin to do a test drive. They don't even get out of the parking lot and the steering wheel re-adjusts left or right of center while the truck is tracking straight. After the 6th or 7th try today, they gave up. I would be grateful for any thoughts or guidance. Thanks.
    Hi, it sounds like they’re not getting the camber bolts properly torqued. Is the truck modified? Spec is 258 on-ft. If they shift, it throws the entire alignment off.
    Thanks. Truck is bone stock. I plan to have a chat with the master tech tomorrow. Good to have the info. Thanks again
    Ended up being an out of calibration Hunter alignment rack
    Good morning sir. I have a 2018 Raptor and started hearing the rattle can sound from the front right of the vehicle at WOT which led me to the IWE discussions in all the threads. However, when in 4A it still makes the noise at WOT. Could you point me in the right direction as to what this could be? I did install the COBB ECU/TCM tune recently but I'm not sure that would have led to this.
    If the charge piping is all properly connected and it’s still not building boost, I would recommend pulling all DTCs and doing a visual inspection of the turbos.
    It hasn't had any DTC's at all. Thats kinda throwing me for a loop.
    Sometimes P0299 will not set right away, so definitely start with a visual inspection
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