Who is still waiting for a VIN?

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Oct 22, 2016
Reaction score
How many people are still waiting for a VIN? I placed my order on Sept 9th and have yet to receive it. I have a DORA and keep checking with the dealer every week but nothing yet. I wanted to know if this is normal as this is my first special order with Ford.


Oct 29, 2016
Reaction score
How many people are still waiting for a VIN? I placed my order on Sept 9th and have yet to receive it. I have a DORA and keep checking with the dealer every week but nothing yet. I wanted to know if this is normal as this is my first special order with Ford.
I ordered on July 26 and still nothing. Been "clean unscheduled" for 3 months. The process of how orders are pulled for build is somewhat mysterious. In summary though orders are pulled based on: 1. allocations of Raptors assigned to dealer by Ford which is based on each dealership's historical sales volume 2. the priority code assigned to your order by your dealer 3. the presence or absence of material holds on certain aspects of each order. For this Raptor build, carbon fiber option has been an issue possibly holding up at least some orders and many have reported that their dealers, based on info from their local Ford reps, have advised customers to remove this option so as to not delay their order.

There are probably one or two other KNOWN factors that dictate how decisions are made to pull orders but I think most will agree that the process is frustratingly mysterious. It seems rather random at times since you'll read about folks on this forum getting their orders pulled within a couple of weeks of ordering and then others like me who ordered early on not hearing a peep. My advice to you is to contact Ford Service through Facebook messenger weekly each Friday (orders get pulled for scheduling each Thursday). Give them your order number and dealer code. They will update you on the status of your order. They are very responsive and will probably have info about your order before your dealer does. Next, devise some ritual dance or prayer, wear your lucky hat or whatever, cross fingers and toes, pick up any pennies that you discover (remember though, has to be face up, leave the ones tails-up alone...dont want to jinx yourself), and do a daily good deed to appease the Karma god. Good luck.


FRF Addict
Aug 19, 2016
Reaction score
I ordered on July 26 and still nothing. Been "clean unscheduled" for 3 months. The process of how orders are pulled for build is somewhat mysterious. In summary though orders are pulled based on: 1. allocations of Raptors assigned to dealer by Ford which is based on each dealership's historical sales volume 2. the priority code assigned to your order by your dealer 3. the presence or absence of material holds on certain aspects of each order. For this Raptor build, carbon fiber option has been an issue possibly holding up at least some orders and many have reported that their dealers, based on info from their local Ford reps, have advised customers to remove this option so as to not delay their order.

There are probably one or two other KNOWN factors that dictate how decisions are made to pull orders but I think most will agree that the process is frustratingly mysterious. It seems rather random at times since you'll read about folks on this forum getting their orders pulled within a couple of weeks of ordering and then others like me who ordered early on not hearing a peep. My advice to you is to contact Ford Service through Facebook messenger weekly each Friday (orders get pulled for scheduling each Thursday). Give them your order number and dealer code. They will update you on the status of your order. They are very responsive and will probably have info about your order before your dealer does. Next, devise some ritual dance or prayer, wear your lucky hat or whatever, cross fingers and toes, pick up any pennies that you discover (remember though, has to be face up, leave the ones tails-up alone...dont want to jinx yourself), and do a daily good deed to appease the Karma god. Good luck.

I ordered mine in July and finally got my vin# and build week last week...to be built the week of Dec. 5th.
It was frustrating seeing someone else that ordered theirs Sept. 19th get their vin# and build date 2 weeks before me. I was the 1st allocation of 2 (priority 10) at a small dealer that usually only stocks about 7 or 8 F150s and 7 or 8 Super Duties. It's a small family owned dealership that has been around for nearly 100 years. You would think that being around nearly 100 years would put them up on Ford's priority list...but it seems like FoMoCo is taking care of the high volume dealers first?? Who knows what their logic is...Originally I figured I'd have mine sometime in November. But that's not gonna happen, maybe by the end of December if I'm lucky?? The only other truck I ordered was my 2011 FX4 and I took delivery of it 34 days after ordering it.
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Active Member
Oct 17, 2012
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Spokane, WA
I placed my order August 16. Priority 10. Dealer has had only 1 of 7 pulled. Supposedly they said I'm next in line. Yeah it really sucks seeing people place orders well after and already have build and or ship dates. Doesn't seem the Pacific Northwest is getting much action at all. Still waiting.......


Oct 22, 2016
Reaction score
@RaeGun, Thanks for the info and detail. I too have Priority 10 although similar to @NASSTY, my dealership is smaller and has been around forever. I will keep checking in and hope that the volume picks up shortly.


Full Access Member
Aug 21, 2016
Reaction score
I got a call last week that my order was finally about to be pulled. But then the dealer brought up the dreaded CF delay and effecting my place in line. I don't even know what the dealer said to be honest. If I left it on or took it off when could I expect it......blah, blah, blah. I ordered 7/25, first at dealer, pc 10. I originally was hoping for November delivery while it is still warm enough to do things to it. That window has come and gone so I don't care if I see until early spring. My Audi rocks in the snow and that Rogue SD looks really good. Have checked fuelly to see what kind of mileage people are getting with them. Will be thinking hard about a SD Platty. Probably will start hawking Rogue daily for updated SD parts.

I think the priority for pulling orders are:

Way the F over MSRP
Invoice Plus
Below (you will be waiting a year+) Invoice

They would have done this if they were smart. If I had paid over MSRP at this point I would seriously be considering canceling the order.
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Full Access Member
Oct 21, 2016
Reaction score

I can put my hand down, got my VIN today, boom.
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Full Access Member
Sep 17, 2016
Reaction score
Northern NY
Ordered sept.8. Still no Vin. Still checking every Friday waiting for a build date. I'm #2 allocation of 3 at semi-small dealership. Don't even know if first got pulled yet..