I took it to a stereo shop and they wired it straight up above the glass, not sure where they attached it. Physically it's to the driver's side of the rear sliding glass, aimed between two of the defrost lines.
Here's a sample of the recordings in 1080p HDR. It will do higher definition but the HDR is good for low light. In this example I was driving on I-35 in San Antonio and three vehicles tried to merge onto the highway between me and the vehicle in front of me. Highway traffic has right-of-way but I still let off the throttle and slowed to 10 mph below the speed limit to make the gap bigger. 2 of the 3 vehicles merged in, the 3rd tried to bully me out of his way. There's no audio (YouTube flagged the music playing in the truck) but the guy was pissed, laid on his horn the whole time, swerved into me, laid on his horn flipping me off as he passed.