Cool Man, Thanks for the Info!!! I was at first just gonna put KO2s on my stock beadlocks and trim but have decided that I think once I can save up I'm just gonna say screw it and get either GlassWorks or Boatecs but now I can't decide between the 12.5 and the 13.5.
I'm leaning towards the 13.5 because I think once I get a chance to do longtubes and a tune the power gain will be enough to cancel it out as long as I pair it with a light wheel (thinking Method Roosts). However I also think the 12.5 might look cleaner as it wouldn't be pushed out so far in the rear.
With all that trimming are you still able to run a liner though? Also, if you don't mind disclosing it, how much did it run you to have the fenders installed, painted, and trimmed up to fit the 13.5s?
One of the things that drove me to the 13.5's was that the inflated width of the 37x12.5 (12.5) is actually less than the inflated width of the 35x12.5 (13.2) I was already running. I liked the extra width and didn't want to have to spend a bunch of money only to lose it. But believe me, I went back and forth on whether to just go with the R/T to save weight and keep the same width I already had but gain the 2" in sidewall. You can go down the rabbit hole pretty fast. I'm happy with my decision though and one benefit of clearing for this tire is that you know any other tire you may run later will fit, and fit well. Regarding the liners: yes, the liners fit and I have them installed. The inner portion of the fiberglass fenders had to be trimmed to allow for clearace of the tire (alternately you could opt to trim the liner instead). Total cost to trim the truck (removed pinch weld and rewelded plus firewall clearance and weld), plus fit and trim the fiberglass and paint was about $1,100. I imagine that if I had opted for a tire with less width it may have saved me $100-$200 in labor.