I may take a beating for this, but I'll say it anyways. I'm a 65 year old Raptor owner, I do all my own servicing, mods and work on my vehicles, since I was 16. Unfortunately, as I get older and more things become electronically operated, I'm being pushed out of doing a lot of work on newer vehicles.
I come on here to read about products and issues that people post about. I try to contribute, but I'm limited to more mechanical mods, like adding AMP running boards, toneau cover, etc.
So here's my issue......people post on here using all types of acronyms and terminology that only a few understand. As an example, there is a post running about the IWE vacuum hose. Someone asked what the acronym stood for and another answered, but that was it.
When I post about something technical, like on my motor home, I first explain what the item is and how it works and then I talk about what I did. This forum would be so much BETTER, if people would take into account that not everyone is on the same technical level.
So it would greatly help if something like the IWE is identified and explained, then everyone can understand the issue. I read the entire post and I still don't know what it does.