It's a sign of the times and it's been known for a long time, al vehicles will be carbon free in the next couple of decades, there will still be hot rodders and car shows, so no worries, can still see and hear the rumbles of a v8.
wont be carbon free until the grid that charges em is carbon free & until the battery’s that power em can actually be recycled in a closed loop process, & don’t result in hazardous waste during the mining/refining & “recycling” phases of their life-cycle.
until then, merely a cute parlor trick on the woke public, & a helluva cool luxury product from mr Elon musk
yes- a luxury product- b/c until you can drive @ free random wherever you’d like w/o concern for fuel (or even better- until you can bring a “can-o-electricity” along w/ ya just in case), until the full charge times resemble anything close to the time it takes to fuel even the biggest diesel trucks on the road today (imagine the lines @ the charging stations if even 50% of vehicles were were EV, if we had even 500% more charging stations there still wouldn’t be enough to appease the motoring public & even if a full charge could be done in 20-25 mins....when you add it all up its a MASSIVE amount of both time & infrastructure that would need to happen @ a crazy rapid pace to even accomplish the #s I just threw out there & those #s still wouldn’t equate to what we already have w/ ICE fueling time/stations available)
And sure. You can charge @ home (make sure every household has a 200 amp service & proper outlet for it- oh & don’t forget to plug in or miss that morning meeting!)- but at this point Elon himself would tell ya, the grid would simply go “KABOOM” if 50% of all households were charging EVs all day every day, forget about 60-70%+
until we build/upgradea whole new renewable + non-renewable + NUCLEAR hybrid power grid for the country
until you can trust that an EV will perform equally or better (haha) than an ICE in both extreme heat/cold
until they don’t have to turn themselves on to either cool down in a hot parking lot or warm up battery in extreme cold- either way you’re losing range regardless all day every day
until there’s a reasonable amount of independent repair shops that’ll even touch an EV (that mental image of all the ******** waiting in mile long lines for their EVs to charge....x1000 for the backup @ the Tesla/rivian/nikola/fisker dealers )
a Tesla is a cool luxury product, not a do anything reliable family/work daily driver
until all of this starts coming to fruition, EVs are just like Bitcoin- a lot of hype w/ a lil substance
will be more to come for sure, but the sheer magnitude of issues that need to be tackled for them to ever account for the majority of vehicles on the road is truly significant