Put Stabil in a full tank of fuel. A full tank minimizes condensation. Drive it around for 5-10 minutes to make sure it's gone all through your fuel system. A company I worked for did a lot of testing and found none better than Stabil. DON'T do occasional starts. A short run period from an occasional start can actually cause issues from greatly increasing condensation, because it never gets up to temp long enough to burn it off, but gets warm enough to cause more. The starting and running for a few minutes really has no benefit. Pulling the battery and putting it in your garage on something like a Deltran Battery Tender is a good idea, if you can't charge it where you park it. If it's on dirt, drive it up on wood planks to minimize moisture penetration in the tires. I had 2 of my boats sit for 3 years once when I had really serious health issues and they started up and ran like they were only sitting for a weekend.
If all that is too much work, ship it to my house and I will keep it exercised for you, no charge.