Go back and read your claims about how much better your new Tundra is than an F-150.Fordtech always has to have the last blast, I haven’t contributed to anything other than buying a truck that I like and want to own.
A standard extended warranty. Now isn’t that quite a game changer.I get free oil changes for 25k miles, a 7 year 100k mile warranty standard, a 150k 10 year warranty is optional, 80 dollar premium fill ups, less insurance less taxes. It might be less truck but I like it and all that matters is if I like something. I don’t owe Ford crap since I have bought tons of their products before. I’m sure I will buy them again.
Once again, Tundra does not have more US content than an F-150. It was posted earlier, but you continue to regurgitate your previous mythical beliefs about your “American” foreign company instead of accepting and acknowledging the facts.Toyota employees are paid quite well to assemble these and they look happy. Have performance metrics that makes them more money they average 65k a year and that is a great middle income salary. So they might not make the 75-80k of a uaw employee but they have videos of them producing in that facility and they look happy. All companies have issues these days but saying a truck which is produced in America, has more American content in it then any other truck is just dumb.
Amazing that the contracted toyota “employees” look happy in the video advertisement

As far as salaries, that is not even close to a realistic number. They’re starting below $15 an hour and most are part time, so that they can adjust for production changes with paying unemployment. But I’m sure you have some secret made up data about that too.