On the Etrailer site I also saw "Sumo Springs" made by Super Spring, they show two weight ratings, one at 1,000# and another for 1,500# same company also make sure an add-on single helper leaf that goes above the stock spring pack(1,500# rating)
I had Timbrens on a 2500 Suburban and they made a difference for sure, wondering if anyone has any experience with the other brand or best to stick with Timbren.
I am only looking to have them installed for the times I tow, which has decreased to maybe 4-6 times a year.
I saw a Gen2 towing a camper yesterday on I84 in CT, I'd say it was about a 24' camper and the truck was level, unknown if it had anything done to help with the weight, didn't see if it had a we hitch or not.
Anyways just following along waiting for someone to tow and report back��
I'm using the Sumosprings when I tow my travel trailer. Truck squats about an inch and with the tongue weight doesnt ride harsh. Simple to remove when not towing.