Anyone else think we should start a donation for blood to thank him for keeping us updated on our order/build/transit status?
I know it helped my wait go smoother by knowing exactly where my truck was without having to constantly call SVT or my dealer for updates.
Everyone's time is worth money, so at least we can buy him a beer for his time spent looking our stuff up in the system.
My suggestion is for him (blood) to create a donate link (PayPal, etc) in his signature where everyone has the opportunity whenever he posts a reply to their question.
I hope this isn't against the forum TOS or already been posted/suggested.
You certainly have the right sentiment, but I’d be a bit cautious making transactions like that. Blood would probably get in a lot of hot water with his employer if he was making a personal profit from providing Ford proprietary information. He’s definitely doing an awesome customer service, but big corporations are funny like that when it comes to their data.
On the other hand, if any of you happen to know people within Ford or SVT, pointing out the PR service he is providing should get him a lot of Kudos (which hopefully includes some rewards) from within his organization. Big companies usually like doing that too – especially in the social media world.
Bottom line is…thanks Blood!
Would hate to see you get any grief from doing a great job!