Couple things:
1) I'm surprised to see that the installer was standing on your hood / wiper valence. That's not a very sturdy part of the truck to stand on.
I was concerned about that as well but my installer has credentials from 3M as well as other wrap certifications. I trust his judgement...
2) I see you had them wrap over the OEM decals. Will they be gone if you ever take the wrap off?
The plan is to not lose the factory decals. Just about any adhesive backed vinyl will turn permanent after about a year in an outdoor situation and I plan on changing it out before then to save the factory decals.
3) When I had my truck wrapped, the installer removed the trim piece, mirrors, door handles, lights to be able to wrap into those sections. It gives it a complete look. In about a year you will have to let us know how it is holding up to any shrinkage.
Shrinkage should be very minimal if any at all. I have seen work he has done 3 years ago that he applied the same way and you cannot see any gaps. I really don't see the need to take the extra time to remove those pieces after hearing his explanation and seeing the proof first hand.
4) since you seem to know a bit about wrap material, why do you call 3m the best? How is it superior to Avery?
Avery makes some decent wrap but 3M is the Cadillac of the industry with results and track records to prove it. Allot of printers will use Avery, Oracal, or Arlon to save money. I'm not going to put down those other brands but there is a reason they are cheaper. I only put out the best so I don't have headaches down the road. If I have a customer who is willing to invest in our wraps I believe they deserve the best possible wrap I can do.
Thanks for sharing
Yukon Joe