Hey guys, finally had some time to drive around in my Raptor and wanted to compare some Temps to make sure they're normal. Haven't been driving spirited, just cruising around town. Going to take a road trip next weekend to compare.
85* Ambient
Intake temp sitting in driveway after driving - 140
Intake temp giving it some gas driving around drops to 125ish and then comes up to low 130s after taking foot out of it
Oil temp - 190-200
Trans Temp - 185-188
No load, max speed 40ish. No hard pulls. All driving in Normal mode.
85* Ambient
Intake temp sitting in driveway after driving - 140
Intake temp giving it some gas driving around drops to 125ish and then comes up to low 130s after taking foot out of it
Oil temp - 190-200
Trans Temp - 185-188
No load, max speed 40ish. No hard pulls. All driving in Normal mode.