Anyone have any insight into how they are making 40s work? Does their mid travel push the spindles further forward? Pretty sure I’d lose half my firewall and kick the headlights out if I tried to run tires that big. Does the gen 2 just have way more clearance?
short answer: From the firewall forward, the gendeux is WAYYYYYY different than genjuan. the frame geometry is very very different.
It took TMX a good 6 weeks to get everything just right. It might not seem like there is a big difference between 39s and 40s( in particular KR3s), but KR3s are almost 2 full inches taller.
My goal was to actually be able to beat on the truck with the 40s. Not everyone has this requirement. ( I've driven my raptor more in Mexico than I have in the U.S. to put things in perspective.)
Since my truck, I guess everyone got 40 envy and a fair amount of shops are churning out trucks with 40s on them. It isn't cheap to do it properly, whether you're doing it yourself or paying someone else.
Is the difference between 37s, 39s, and 40s worth it? To me it is, but I set specific goals for my truck. I think a long-travel, linked truck with 37s is still more capable than mine (I run leaf springs and mid-travel), but Its a whole lot closer with me on 40s and I can keep up with some pretty talented drivers in my truck. ( It is still eye-opening to get into a 6100 or heavy metal door slammer then back into my truck. those rigs are stupid fast.)
Lots of bracing was removed. Lots of things were relocated, and things had to be massaged to not eject headlights.
Others have kicked things forward by stretching the front clip by as much as 3", but mine has no major mods outside of the svc mid-travel kit.
It is a sum of a bunch of small changes that make it possible.
It would have been far easier if anyone made a nice one pice front end, but with all the covid stuff, mcneil still hasn't made any progress on that yet.