I greatly appreciate that. 60k subs is a great accomplishment if you ask me. It‘s hard to keep that drive and focus when real life and responsibility is looking you in the face. I am definitely aware that the market is saturated with everyone wanting to start a channel for just about everything these days.
I have always loved modding and have done so with every vehicle I have ever owned, so I figure why not document the process, help a few people along the way, and if it turns into something I can eventually make a living off of, well even better. I know it will be a slow process but I am determined. I currently work in a profession that all too often robs me of time with my family, that alone is motivation.
like you, doing this full time is not an option (for now), but maybe one day it will be, who knows?. But I will be thankful regardless of all support and criticism along the way.