I did want to give some further insight into this. Honestly, we don't release specs for anything anymore because we spend a lot of time on the R+D side of things. By releasing our specs it does 2 things. #1 gives our competition their target point. By posting this it would have been gifted to them for free. They didn't spend the time developing any of these upgrades. We did. #2 the only discussion that ever comes from it are the people that think it should be done differently than we set them up. Mind you, these people don't have the equipment, engineering resources, flow benches, dynos, or experience we do, but that doesn't stop them from criticizing those specs. We see this all of the time on rotating assemblies. People used to argue about our recommended clearances being wrong, yet our engines outlasted anything they had built locally.
At the end of the day, we really do want our customers satisfied. But I honestly don't think that giving you every spec to this build would do that. Even if you were spot on with the measuring of the cams (which I honestly have no idea about as even I don't have the specs on them) you've already decided that you don't like them. Mind you, you've come up with this without ever installing it, testing it, and with zero comparative data (since there is no one else on the planet doing camshafts for these) to base that opinion on. If engines/components could be designed on pen and paper, then why do the OEM's continue to waste time and effort testing things?
If you would like, return the head/cam package as it was shipped to you and we will give you a full in-store credit (less shipping of course). It's hard enough for us to keep up with the demand on them, so it would be good to have a set that's ready to ship.