Well i totally get the salesman BS. Not my bag at all.
I honestly just came here to share my thoughts about deavers vs nationals. I had both also and prefer one over the other mostly based on CS and experience.
good news is i will help you if you want to try an alternative.
Heck i will loan you a set of NEW Deavers and you tell me how they work.
If you like them, awesome. if you don't then at least we tried to fix the problem.
PM me your address and ill get you set up.
Marc, thank you for the offer. We are going to pass. If I don't like them, I'm out $200 to ship them back to you, and if I do like them, I'd have to pay yeah for them, lol...
I've had some bad national springs in the past, and this was due in part to the RPG -1" design. I'm very happy with my current set up with the HD+3".
The replacements SD springs were sold to member whtrpta about a year ago. I had 14,000 miles on them in four months when I sold them. After hearing MCR's story on the springs, I contacted whtrpta. He said the springs were still holding well. With no issue.
After taking measurements last night, it looks like my HD+3" springs have settled about 2" on the driver side and about 1" on the passenger side. This is with 27K miles in a little under a year. I tow with my truck often (about 25% of my miles) and typically carry a good bit of weight in the bed (approximately 500 lbs). I suspected this would happen and thus why I went with the +3" over stock ride hight. It should also be noted that my truck is a SCREW which is about 500 lbs heavy as compared to the SCAB.
MCR and Huck have SCABs and carry no weight in the bed typically. There is absolutely no reason why their springs would be sacing out. It is disturbing that within a year and low miles national spring will not help them out.
Also another member here, ducatips, had had issues with the national springs. Not sure if he has them worked out yet or not.
Yukon Joe