Thanks for the well wishes...If you need to sell that rear diff cover etc let me know
Hoping for the best.
I had planned on keeping all the original parts for the next caretaker, which should be my grandson, but who knows. At 10 he just loves trucks, but his folks are very liberal-minded so he may be driving a Prius by the time he gets his license, heaven forbid!
(btw: I will never EVER buy a prius or EV! They can pry the keys/Fob to my 2011 Raptor and C7 'Vette out of my cold, dead fingers!

They do drive late model Fords (F150 and Expedition) now but he (son in law) seems enamored with EV, so who knows?
If I change my mind and want to clean out the garage, I'll let you know.
Thanks for the offer.

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