View attachment 158226 Press traction control button once, click ok then press and hold until stabilitrak is off. Auto is only for rain.... put it in 4wd and proceed to have fun drifting and such. Warning!!!! First, if you don’t have enough skill or ability disregard and fall in line with the rest of the sheep driving slow as hell with their flashers on. Second, if your a sheep do us all a favor and go trade the raptor in on something more fitting like a Prius. Third, go have fun or **** off!!!!!
I hope you aren't one of those idiots that forgets you can't stop as quickly regardless of drive mode configuration. So many guys with off road trucks driving in snow and ice like nobody else is on the road then ramming into the person in front of them because they actually have no idea how to drive safely around others. Having asked that I agree that too many people with poorly equipped vehicles and zero driving skills clog up the roads and make it dangerous for everyone. If you see me "driving like a sheeple" it's because I don't trust those around me and I hate body shops....LOL