Up here, they take your vehicle away for 30 days and you pay the impound fees, your fine and if you do it again, it's 6 months! Most will let you go with a lower ticket, but if you're waving bacon out of your raptor at that speed, you're done!
Over here you lose it for 90 days, pay the impound AND pay the $2500 fine.. Then a 6 month suspension, then a probation period for two ? Years with only 6 points.. Tickets range from 2-6 points, speeding starts at 4.
Jimbo no offence but looking at the info on the ticket he got you with a laser.. He's got you plain and simple. They might drop the speed if you offer a guilty plea to a lesser fine but next time just drop your speed and you won't have to beg them to do it for you !
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