Now this time, when they tell you its ready, pick it up and immediately drive it to the dealer of your choice and trade it in. Be done with it. Personally, I would have done that last time.
Sometimes I forget that I am blessed with a small town dealer with an excellent service department. No SA BS, just a couple of lifetime counter guys and full access to the techs for questions, if needed. When the CD player froze on the wifes Exploder, they replaced it under warranty, a week later I get a call from the dealer, "I had one of the guys pull the CD player apart to get your CDs, do you want me to mail them or pick them up?" I had a pinion seal leak on the Exploder and I took it in under warranty, counter guy says no problem, I see you are almost at the end of the warranty, if you want a loaner for a day, we'll look for anything that should be addressed. Thanks, I'll take the loaner, have at it.