Hopefully the next owner will benefit from all the new parts they installed. It has a new transfer case and transmission and right side turbo and rear chunk and both front hubs and new cam phasers and new transmission cooler and lines and new plastic oil pan and a freshly greased drive shaft and a rear driver's side axle seal and a new passengers side exhaust manifold and 6 new coil packs and 6 new spark plugs. And I'm sure more stuff I just can't remember.
I drove it about 400 miles around town locally after I got it back last time and then another 240 to trade it. I did baby it out of fear something might happen on the way.....

But in all seriousness (on paper) it should be damn near a new truck.
I can honestly say that since I picked it up I had not one issue with it. Maybe the next owner will get a deal on it and enjoy it and have great luck.
I appreciate everyone giving me a platform to vent my frustration on. From what I have read here there are some Raptors that just have issues and some that seem to be fairly bullet proof. And I understand that is just how all the brands work. Everyone hopefully could see I have been a Ford owner for the last 4 vehicles. I guess it was time to give something new a try.
I will say that the Raptor does feel more stable on the highway at speeds over 70. The TRX just seems to be a little more disconnected and bobbly. I believe it is due to the coil springs in the rear. It will take some getting used to. I also believe the Raptor is going to pull trailers with more ease than the TRX. The TRX is going to hunt a lower gear on the slightest of inclines where the Raptor just holds its gear and you can hear the turbos spool up and feel the power. And one last thing I felt few times on the way back home was torque steer. I didn't really get into the throttle to much yesterday because of it breaking in the first 500 miles. But the few times I did get into the gas a bit I felt the steering wheel pull to one side. It wasn't awful but you could definitely feel it pull to one side. All of these things are OK and will just take some time to get used to I'm sure..
Thanks again