I had ONX6 in my '17 and ONX6+ in my '20....they are nice. Coupled with my other lights it lit up the night. But this time going little different route as don't offroad as much anymore. Going to add dual S8 in factory amber behind the grill in driving pattern (just ordered from SPV while on sale). If need more white light, then will change lower bumper grill to white. Basically adding and adjusting....which is one reason why I like the BD lights and flexibility of the @Specialtyperformanceparts harnesses.@hamster thanks for the info. I really like the onx6+ over the S8. I wonder if I remove the shudders to free up some space will the onx6+ fit and resolve the depth issue.
Either way, I kind of want to cut the two bars that block the light bar if possible. Not sure if they need to be there. I haven’t taken a part the bumper yet.
As for bars, I am with you on that one. Working on modifying right now. Not simple. About 1/2 done. When all done I will post details of how I did it.