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I went with Eibachs upfront and Deaver +4HDs. The numbers are strange, let me try to explain as best to my knowledge.I'm in a 2018 with stock suspension and looking into Deavers based on everyone's enthusiasm... As long as I'm doing the suspension, might as well get some lift, so will do the Eibach's up front. @raiderofthelostark why did you opt for the +2 Deavers with the -1 shackles v just doing the +1 Deavers? Did you do the Aluminum shackles? What's the difference between the standard and HD Deavers?
Eibachs raise the front 1.75” to level with stock rear.
Deaver +4s raise the rear 1”. Will go down to stock level with about 500lbs of weight
The 2” shackles are a 1” drop to bring the rear to stock level with the Eibachs.
Now that I have my canopy on and some additional weight, I’ll be going back to stock height rear shackles as the rear has dropped about 1/2”
With the rear leafs, you can always start with higher leafs and go down with shackles. If you go lower on the leafs you can’t really go higher.
HDs are built to carry more weight with additional leafs. If you tow and have a need for more payload, that’s what I’d go with. Any Deaver is a big improvement over stocks