Something that probably needs to be said...
I'm not too proud to admit that I might have fallen susceptible to the peer pressure (implied or otherwise) involved here. I mean, think about it guys. You've spent $300+, traveled XXXmiles, you've met up with 14 other Raptors, you're there to go fast and USE your truck in the desert like we've all seen on TV... its not out of line to think that when everyone else falls into the pack mentality, I would too.
Dan, something you have done before each Raptor run is you set a clear expectation. You come prepared, and you make it very clear that while we're all there to have fun, we're also there to be responsible, safe and most importantly, relaxed. Joy and I both commented on that after that first meeting while following you 'out there'. You made no speed claims and you set no timetable, but instead you set the tone for a mellow yet spirited event. You basically said that we were only going to travel as fast as our slowest driver, and that that was perfectly ok. And within that context we were able to relax and enjoy the safe and sane pace and ultimately avoid any damage because of it.
I don't think that happened here. The Outlaw Raptor guys CLEARLY said that each driver must take responsibility for themselves and only travel at the speed they're comfortable with, but so too was this advertised as a 100+ MPH type run with time constraints set. (Please be very clear I'm not passing any blame Outlaw Raptor's way. Quite the opposite; I commend them for constantly reminding everyone that they need to drive to their skill and comfort level and to hell with whatever everyone else is doing).
So keep all this in perspective guys. While I know for damn sure I would NOT have claimed any warranty issues (no excuse for that ridiculousness IMHO), my point is the tone of this run from the outset was very different than any Raptor Run I've been on. I'm just not positive that had I been part of the Outlaw group, I wouldn't have bent my frame too. I like to think not, but I'm too much of a realist to say so for sure.