Actually there is a way for one person to get it done. Take the low pressure line loose from the hydroboost unit itself and plug it with a bolt. Replace it at the hydroboost return with a 6-8ft piece of rubber hose and hang that over the quarter panel into a 5 gallon bucket and secure it with something so that it drains and is also out a little from the truck so that you can see it. Start the truck and pump the brake and turn the wheel three times each and shut the truck down. Refill the res and repeat. DO NOT continue to pump the brake and turn the wheel until you can hear the pump whine. This can cause damage. Take your time and flush a little at a time and you can do it cleanly and safely in your driveway. Continue to flush until the fluid changes color. Doing it this way, you can also watch the fluid coming out of the hose into the bucket and see how nasty it really is.