Party was over before it ever really started.
Picked the truck up a couple hours ago. Drove 17 miles home, then noticed a few oil spots after I moved it into my garage.
Brought it right back to the dealer. Worried it's going to be the same story as a buddy of mine with his R - The front crank seal was bad and they have no ETA on a replacement seal.
Hopefully it's something simple, loved everything about it for the hour I had it

Picked the truck up a couple hours ago. Drove 17 miles home, then noticed a few oil spots after I moved it into my garage.
Brought it right back to the dealer. Worried it's going to be the same story as a buddy of mine with his R - The front crank seal was bad and they have no ETA on a replacement seal.
Hopefully it's something simple, loved everything about it for the hour I had it