Need Mechanical Experts! Starting issues...

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Full Access Member
Oct 18, 2016
Reaction score
San Diego, California
Ok so desperately in need of some help on this.

Sometimes I jump in the truck and it is as if the battery is dead. Other times it starts just fine. Sometimes I will jump in and nothing works. Literally completely dead. Don't even get clicks from the starter. Other times it's like the battery is low. Dash comes on and starter clicks like low juice. However no matter what if I plug my jump started in, it starts right up. Then other times it behaves completely normally.

Had the battery (Odyssey) tested. Was 50% full with proper voltage. Had alternator checked. He told me the voltage regulator was busted.

So before I go down the path of replacing the alternator (which is a pain because I have a Whipple and have to take it off...nevermind the alternator is pricey) I wanted to see if anyone had symptoms like this or knows what it could be. I am not understanding how a bad voltage regulator would cause these issues. Doesn't that just regulate the voltage coming out of the alternator? Or does it also regulate the power coming out of the battery?

Thanks for any help you can provide!


Supporting Member
Apr 17, 2021
Reaction score
I had sort of the same issue once. I'm running a procharger and it has a metal intake pipe that goes right over the alternator. Turned out it started randomly grounding out the alternator from between the intake pipe and the top nut [giggity] on the alternator that hold all the wires. I had to really insulate the intake pipe, redneck style with cut up garden hose. Problem solved. Maybe check that sort of thing.

Other things to look into:

Fuse 27?

Theres a ground ******** the frame on the passenger side wheel well area that's a known issue.

JFC.... strap. On.
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FRF Addict
Nov 27, 2010
Reaction score
Celebration, Florida

Try going down to the starter and check the connections, they do come loose and/or corroded in between the cable eye terminal ends.

With the truck off the battery should be just over 13 volts up to 13.7, over 14 volts when running.
Anything under 12.7 with truck off, will start causing issues.
For us Whippled guys, you need to understand that when you turn the key to on position the circulator pump and the fans start to run and this is a big drain!!!!
And if you're using Auto lights that's even more drain.

I had my first Odessey battery fail in three years because of not driving and/or starting regularly for a few months while I was sick.
I have since bought a trickle charger to maintain the new Odessey battery.

And changing out the alternator is pricey.
I tried the Thumper belt tensioner, and it ate two alternators within a month!!!
At least my Ford dealer and the SVT Tech (at the time) did the Whipple install for me and gave me a break on pricing.
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Full Access Member
Oct 18, 2016
Reaction score
San Diego, California
etimes I jump in the truck and it is as if the battery is dead. Other times it starts just fine. Someone I will jump in and nothing works. Literally completely dead. Don't even get clicks from the starter Other times it's like the batte

Try going down to the starter and check the connections, they do come loose and/or corroded in between the cable eye terminal ends.

With the truck off the battery should be just over 13 volts up to 13.7, over 14 volts when running.
Anything under 12.7 with truck off, will start causing issues.
For us Whippled guys, you need to understand that when you turn the key to on position the circulator pump and the fans start to run and this is a big drain!!!!
And if you're using Auto lights that's even more drain.

I had my first Odessey battery fail in three years because of not driving and/or starting regularly for a few months while I was sick.
I have since bought a trickle charger to maintain the new Odessey battery.

And changing out the alternator is pricey.
I tried the Thumper belt tensioner, and it ate two alternators within a month!!!
At least my Ford dealer and the SVT Tech (at the time) did the Whipple install for me and gave me a break on pricing.

Thanks for the response. I am dropping off the truck on Monday to have a new radiator installed (my SECOND Morimoto is leaking!!! No more of that crap for me) and with have them check it all out.

As far as cost yeah I figure. I just had to fix an exhaust leak and several of the studs broke. That guy probably took a vacation on what it cost me... It's just part of owning these trucks. I spend so much time in Baja I feel like I am constantly rebuilding stuff. HAHAHA