When I can with y’all’s indulgence, I will give personal accounts to highlight or illustrate points. I’ve been in situations off-roading and hiking that had I not been prepared, things could have gone south quickly.
You don’t want to become an Episode with Creek Stewart on the Weather’s Channel SOS-What did I do to F*><k Myself?? Other than Bad Luck, every situation resulted from PPPP-**** POOR PRIOR PLANNING- which usually results in an emergency on someone else’s part
other times it’s BFL and shit happens. If your prepared though you will survive.
My wife and people have laughed at me for my “OVER-PREPAREDNESS” I have to many years in the Army, Fire, Police to not know that everything will fail at sometime. When your gun goes click in a gun fight, it’s the Loudest Sound you will ever hear. That’s why whenever possible I have redundant systems (my attention always on the Deaver Springs Threds) I carry to much shit.
Example-I’ve had 28 surgeries so I’m constantly trying to lighten my FNING PACK!! Wife and I were Hiking Grand Teton NP. It’s Sunny 70. We are in shorts t-shirts. I put in jackets, hats& gloves. Wife says WTF?? We are returning from up on Inspiration Point across Jenny Lake. Clouds roll in, Temperature drops 30 degrees and it starts to Hail! Wife says “I’ll never ask Why again.” Same thing, same trail system. Dr Gonzales (DEEP SURVIVAL-WHO LIVES, WHO DIES and WHY) He takes off from Jenny Lake w/girlfriend. Beautiful Day. Let’s walk.(No Pack, No Map, No Water, NADA)Walking/ Wandering turns into 5miles. Clouds roll in Temp drops 30degrees, starts snowing! They beat feet back to Lodge. They come to “Y” in the trail. She goes left, he goes right. They stop and look at each other, CONFUSED AS F%>#K. It’s snowing hard now, they are wet/Freezing!! They hear voices, follow them down to the LAST BOAT across Jenny Lk. IT SNOWED GOR 3FNING DAYS! No catch the boat by Sheer Luck? They are probably dead!
Example 2-John and wife are off-roading in the Wilderness area between US-95 & Colorado River. It’s 115degrees outside, it’s 1400 so going to get a little HOTTER! we leave a cove on the river and decide to take TWIST CANYON back to the Hwy. It’s a shelf road that climbs up 2k’ on switchbacks that rival trails in Silverton CO. I’m in my Gutless Jeep struggling to climb the switchbacks. I’m suffering from CRANIUM RECTITUS!! I have the AC blasting (118 out now) as we struggle upwards. BEEP BEEP BEEEP-WRarning lights I’ve never seen before. I OVERHEATED THE TRANNY! I almost shut the Jeep Off! Luckily I looked in the owners manual, “Shut Jeep Off, RUIN JEEP” I shut of A/C off, kept it running to cool the tranny and continued to Hwy w/o further incident. Had the Jeep died, were we “Prepared”?? It’s 118, 1500hrs No Cell service, 20miles from the Hard Ball, Highly Unlikely that anyone is going to pass by. Even if we are JUST OFF-ROADING, I ALWAYS carry our packs equipped accordingly to the season. We always have our hiking boots.(no one comes with me in flip-Flops) And most importantly A LOT OF WATER! If we had to walk out. She’s staying with the vehicle/Dogs. I’m obviously waiting until sunset to begin. ( Headlamp 4 night? I have 2 in every Pack (I’m afraid of the dark)
Example 3- In this same area, a woman and her 4-kids under 13! Were trying to go swim at “TRASH COVE” she’s in a 2wd Chevy. I’m rolling back from FIRE MNT COVE. I come up on a 8yoa standing in the middle of a the single track, doing the cell phone dance, hoping to catch a signal. We find her mother and her siblings. Buried to the Axel in the sand off of the trail. It’s a 110 degrees and they are OUT OF FNING WATER!! I water them up, pull them out and give them directions to Trash Cove.( 3 turns 10 miles from us) Off She Goes. I pack up my recovery gear and head out. I’m going a lot faster than she can. I should’ve passed her? She turned left off of Fire Mnt. Taking her deeper into the Wilderness Area!! As soon as I get a signal I call NPS SAR and advise them, it’s their turn to save this IDIOT. She prepared to FAIL in multiple ways. It’s BLIND LUCK that she didn’t kill the whole Family!!
We will cover this deeper in this Thred, again-FAILING TO PREPARE..IS PREPARING TO FAIL!!
If you have a story to share, please do!!
We can All Learn from Each Others AAR!
( After Action Review )