Dude - do you realize you are in a vendor's paid forum, a well respected vendor, a vendor that works with the community and helps us get good prices, a vendor that adds back tremendously to the community, and you are trying to start your own group buy, to "find a better price." Please take your douchebaggery elsewhere.
FastEddie, as The Car Stereo Company said in an earlier post, "i will put another group buy together. these are open ended until we get enough members to fill the requirement, so it may take a while."
I wanted to see if we could get enough people together for a group buy with The Car Stereo Company, a supporting vendor.
Not my own group buy for another vendor. So as you put it, there was no "douchebaggery" done here. Perhaps my email was not worded correctly, so there was a miscommunication. Earlier posts on this thread had the same type of list for The Car Stereo Company, and I wanted to see if others would join me. But so far there were no takers, so I will be buying from The Car Stereo Company this weekend, after my Raptor comes back from the shop.