So a few things could have happened.
1. Truck crashed, repaired and quickly traded in before it reported to carfax.
2. Truck crashed, repaired without an info being sent to carfax and traded in.
3. Bed/taillights stolen and repacked with cheapest ones.
4. Mirrors, taillights damaged by angry ex wife/girlfriend/boyfriend/other and cheapest parts used to trade in truck.
My bet is on number 4 as it’s trail lights and mirrors. The likelihood that it came out of the factory that way, AND the previous owner didn’t correct has got to be near zero....
Either way, your fight is with the dealer you bought the truck from, might be able to get them to take it back as it’s not what was advertised, some states have a 5 day or something rule with used car sales.
Good Luck and keep us in the loop!