I really didn't want to get into educating you fools on motorcycle racing and wanted to just move on. But you are argumentative little *******, so here..
Its very common for racers to have 'A' bikes and 'B' bikes, as well as a rain bike and a wet bike. It's also common for racers to have several parts bikes with blown motors or other crash damage.
So... depending on how you count, I could have 3 bikes that run, and 1 bike that just sits in the trailer/garage waiting to be put back together, or any combination of 'race ready' versus 'in progress' I blew two motors last year, and replaced one of those motors. Hence the 3-4.
Now, please, just go back to Gen 1 forums and work on your poverty raptor. I try not to insult people because that's bad karma, but you and some of your other clowns are just begging for it.
If you post 30 times in every gen 2 thread, with 15 of those being memes that were cool in 2009, you are seriously embarrassing yourself. Or is embarrassment a concept that only semi-intelligent people understand?
"poverty raptor" Yup! it's basically the Ramen noodles of Raptors. If you need more material I posted a simple copy and paste guide of how to insult me a few pages back.
One last question, weren't you going to ignore me anyway?