M & R of course has a responsibility here. Its not like Greg invented a place to put lights that the guys at M & R did not know or understand where they were going. This is also product development in the fact that M & R are now aware of the placement and what happens to there product. It could be cheap suppliers for them but then again that's an M & R issue. If you set out that your going to sell a product to do something you better know what your doing to avoid these problems. M & R should have sent Greg a new set the next day with a box pre labeled to return the old ones to get a look at the trouble. Of course you don't need to do that if you already know the problem. Birdman should not defend any vendor ever for any reason because he has a vested interest in the Vendors not the forum members. It looks bad and makes you start to wonder about a forum if the guys making money on the forum start deleting posts they don't like. (not saying it happened here). Wicked performance went belly up and I only knew it because I read it on a thread, before I got my order in, a couple others not so lucky. The pretense of the forum is to share thoughts experiences and things we can learn from each other. Vendors are here to sell us product and have a better than average shot at a target market. Birdman makes money on this practice so there is a issue for him to want to encourage resolutions before they become posted threads. But now we have a posted thread and a real issue that should be shared. I don't disagree with Birdman and try to resolve the issue before bashing a vendor. But I don't think in this case any vendor is bashed, it is a product issue and should be shared so others can say yes I am having the same issue.. Not once did I ever read anything negative about M & R, until now there not coming through with the replacements...