What mods are on the truck?
The picture explains a lot, stop parking next to bmw’s and maybe the truck will forgive you.
Does your truck get a steady diet of 93 octane?
have you or any previous owners tuned it?
have you or any previous owners made any changes under the hood?
The torque delivery is managed heavily on the Rap. If you take off in 4a/sport mode at WFO are you getting full boost on the gauge?
all things being equal, a healthy ecoboost Rap should be doing a sub 6 second 0-60 and about a 14.0 1/4 mile
That said,
@downforce137 pointed out the boost is metered heavily while you’re moving. if you nail it from - I think around 30-60, the boost is gradually fed in, no sudden hit. I thought this was some problem he might have had with his truck but I confirmed it in mine, and she runs strong. There’s also a very rare throttle fluttering in steady cruising - a former user -03Darin(?) had it troubleshot - he worked at a dealer and it got all the way to Ford Engineering more than once. I swear sometimes I can notice this but if I try to replicate it the sensation is gone.
You need to be in sport mode; eco
normal drive mode is lazy AF. it jumps to the highest gear available and will fight you to stay in that gear. Mine will even remain in 3rd for a few seconds after a complete stop. This is particularly aggravating in neighborhoods with frequent stops.