Well here is my delimma. I have ran my speaker wire up to this road block.
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This is the factory wiring harness plugged in.
Here it is unplugged. As you can see there is no way in hell to get new wires through this plug without drilling holes it and I am not gonna take a chance of ******* this plug up. :thumbdown:
Here is a pic of fhe factory speaker wire. In the lower left corner you can see it next to my new speaker wire.
So, should I just splice into the factory wires and call it good. From what I here the wire should be rated for it. Am I really going to noticed that much difference in sound quality in my new speakers that are rated for 60W rms?
Now, if I were installing 150W focals like Boss Hoss did, I might need to think about running 16 gauge all the way to the speakers. But for now I think I will just splice into the factory wires like Bird suggested.
Any one else run into this problem, if so I sure would like to here how they resolved it. I know Boss Hoss said his installers run new wire through the factory boot, but he is not sure how they did it either.