Humvee a good thing to also check for the next time you change your oil is to make absolutely sure that the rubber gasket comes off with the old filter.
lol yeah I stopped using motorcraft filters due to that very reason!
On my 94 Stealth the filter was in a PITA location. In a hurry to do an oil change one weekend in the freezing cold, didn't crawl far enough under to check and make sure the flange was all good, and I think the old filter fell in the tub of oil so I didn't check it to make sure the gasket was still on. Spun my new filter on, filled it back up, drove 2 miles up the road and back, as soon as I'm pulling into the driveway I see the oil pressure gauge drop to nothing. WTF?! I shut it off as it's rolling into the driveway and get out, 5 quarts of brand new, 2 mile old, mobile 1, all over the drive
mother f'ing double gasket! lol blew right out between the two seals, the one leftover from the old filter and the new one. Then I started looking closer at gaskets and how well they were crimped into the filter assembly, and the motorcraft ones only have a couple tiny pinches holding them in. Mobile 1 filters and K&N filters do a much better job of clamping the gasket onto the filter housing.