Magnetic Ecobeast
Hey everyone! I’ve searched this forum for hours and hours to make sure Im not that guy that ask’s a question that’s been asked 10,000 times!
It seems I can not find any pictures of a Gen 2 with SDI top hats installed… Has anyone on this forum done it? Mine are on order and have been forever since Fed Ex rolled a truck with these top hats on board, now SDI has been playing Catch up since January!
Curiosity has the best of me and I am second guessing the top hat for Geiser’s, but dont want to break anything as I have a 19 with live valves… the Deavers are already at home waiting for the front end stuff to show up!!

It seems I can not find any pictures of a Gen 2 with SDI top hats installed… Has anyone on this forum done it? Mine are on order and have been forever since Fed Ex rolled a truck with these top hats on board, now SDI has been playing Catch up since January!
Curiosity has the best of me and I am second guessing the top hat for Geiser’s, but dont want to break anything as I have a 19 with live valves… the Deavers are already at home waiting for the front end stuff to show up!!