I know that, and it makes sense. I make a hash of it, back over the neighbor kid, and it's their problem. Not good.
That's good to know. It's the exact same quality as the two Ecosport loaners I had this summer, so I thought it was just a standard Ford 2020 camera that must be in everything. All three were/are fuzzy, low resolution, and with crappy color saturation. My wife's 2018 Subaru backup display looks like a cell phone photo. It's gorgeous. I notice how nice it is every time I drive her car.
The dealer comes out ahead. It really irks me. They screw Ford, they screw customers, they come out way ahead. But at the end of the day, it's Ford's fault for not holding them accountable. FMC declined to post my review of Phil Long Chapel Hills on their website. If they're not willing to take even that mild step, then there's no hope that they're ever going to do something that's actually effective.