Yes they can add it from your dealer. I just dropped mine off at the dealer today for it to be added. They had to order a new wiring harness for the entire engine and a new grill for the camera placement, etc. Total cost for me is 2500.00 and it should be ready by tomorrow so I will post the pics then. Why my truck is a 2012 and they had to replace the grill and the engine wiring harness is beyond me but I am not a mechanic either...
Holy smokes! $2500! Quintuple the price of ordering it factory!? lol
I can see them having to replace the entire engine harness, if they have 2 separate ones and one has the camera pigtail integrated in, and the other doesn't. I thought somebody said all the grilles had the spot for the front camera mounts, but I guess not if they had to order you a new one. Unless they just took it for granted that they needed to and are banging you out the cost of a new grille.
Are they paying for it for some screwup of not ordering you the camera, or are you doing this all out of pocket?
Anyone have any ideas on how to protect the front camera lens when it's not in use? I was thinking about devising some type of cap secured by velcro straps wrapped behind the grill. Any better ideas?
I was thinking about putting clear-bra on mine. I have extra from getting the front end done. I'll probably test it out, but I'm thinking it may make the camera look blurry putting it right on the face of the lense.