Back on topic: So Chris (very) If you like it, that's ALL that matters ! but what Perch are you on ? may need mid or top for the extra weight haning out front ?
How did you do Racing ?
Also that bumper may slow ya a bit
As for Deer if you get one of those wild skittish ones it just might come charging at ya and jump and go through a side window ? They crazy sometimes
I am really not into racing my Raptor. It just my expensive DD.
I will not be doing this anytime soon (The guy want $1700 for it and that is CRAZY!) So I am going to wait until more companies have the bumper style I like which I assume will drive prices down. Most full bumper replacements of that style run $800-$1200 for other trucks. So I will wait.
I didn't have to be the first Raptor in Angelo, and I don't need to be the first with a "Deer Punch" on the front.
And yes my friend had a deer hit the door as he was driving. No bumper stops that.
And West Texas Off Road quoted me $150 to raise to the top perch, I am on the stock (bottom) perch.
Thanks again for the mature attitude.