well you have to remember its an exchange program. you are giving up new in exchange for used rebuild and cheaper. do they leak? or does it feel squishy? depending on where the person lives will determin the aesthetics of the shock body. but if they arent faulty, you shouldnt be so quick to judge. i know they replace a lot of internal parts that cant be used again. i wached them rebuild my shocks as i live close enough to make the drive to have them do it and realistically, a lot of people do use the truck offroad so the shock bodies will see some wear. mine certainly had some wear. i know i dont want to spend the money on new ones, or have my truck down while waiing for mine to be sent in and rebuilt. the exchange program is just that. you give them yours, they give you someone elses, your truck is back on the road with no down time. now if you are having mechanical issues with the shocks, then thats something else that im sure they will address right away. but seeing them rebuild mine, i would give up shiny and new for rebuilt anyday. i spend too much time on dirt to care about shiny shocks. im sure if my shocks were in the exchange program, you would definitely complain about how they look. i first got my truck in norcal and spent a lot of time at the oceano sand dunes (beach and ocean). then i moved to colorado where they put down mag chloride (essentially salt) on the roads to help melt the snow. now im back in norcal and go to the dunes again. both of which will cause excessive wear on the body, but doesnt affect the internals. rust will appear overnight so you have to maintain them to prevent it. just try to remember you got essentially new shocks (from a mechanical standpoint) for much cheaper than buying new, you just gave up the shiny part.